The Sacred Mushroom Groups

TSM supports and encourages the formation of groups around similar experiences and interests. Group sessions are often more accessible, and being part of a group may enhance your journey. 

TSM also coordinates groups around common experiences or themes. Find out if there is a TSM Group that suits you. If not, contact us, and we’ll help you set one up.

TSM supports our groups by providing educational sessions, assistance in group management, and use of facility for meetings. For many our groups allow improved post-journey integration, and the development of community with a strong support system. For others the Group provides opportunities for networking and collaboration.

Join a TSM Group:

      • Psilocybin Explorers
      • Military Veterans
      • Music Enthusiasts
      • Trauma Survivors
      • Nature Lovers
      • Anxiety Warriors
      • Art Aficionados
      • Athletes
      • Leaders
      • Academics
      • Creatives

Want to form a group? Fill this out and we will help you get it done.


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