Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is psilocybin legal?

A: The State of Oregon has legalized the administration of psilocybin under certain conditions and regulated, as determined by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA).

Q: Is psilocybin right for everyone?

A: No. There are some medical and mental health conditions that are not compatible with psilocybin treatments. These include: (1) anyone diagnosed with active psychosis, (2) anyone with epilepsy or another seizure causing condition, (3) anyone taking medications with lithium, (4) anyone who is pregnant, (5) anyone with certain heart conditions, and (6) if you have been considering harming yourself or others. If you are uncertain if psilocybin is a good fit for you, speak with our Chief Facilitator, Bryan Arnold, and he will help you navigate your eligibility.

Q: How do I know what dose is right for me?

A: The dose (amount of psilocybin consumed) is a function of the purpose of your journey and should be determined in consultation with your facilitator.

Q: What type of experience does your facility provide?

A: The Sacred Mushroom™ offers a supported, supervised experience in a large facility with room to roam, activities to engage, and private spaces for alone time. The experience is catered to your specific needs and wishes, with aspects like sights, sounds, and scents all designed to your preferences.

Q: How is the psilocybin consumed?

A: Currently, regulations allow for delivery of psilocybin through eating the mushrooms, drinking a beverage with powered mushroom, or consuming a pill with psilocybin. As regulations evolve TSM will introduce new (and delicious) ways to consumer psilocybin.

Q: How will the day of my journey unfold?

A: You must fill out all forms and speak with a facilitator at least 24 hours prior to the day of your journey. On that day, you will arrive at TSM at a specified time, get escorted through the reception process, and meet with your facilitator to further discuss your goals and hopes for the journey. After completing your reception (intake) process, you will be served your agreed upon dosage of psilocybin. Depending on the dose you have consumed, you will spend the required time at the facility, accompanied by your facilitator, and free to avail yourself of your private space and all facility services and activities. Once you have completed your journey, your facilitator will review your experience with you, set up a time for follow-up (integration), and share with you all the integration opportunities TSM offers.

Q: Can you describe what I might experience during a psilocybin journey?

A: Actually, it is not easy to describe what you could experience, as the journey is very much your own. People who have consumed psilocybin most often describe experiencing visions and auditory variations, your perception of time and space may change, colors and shapes may appear fluid, and you may feel a connection to your innermost thoughts and feelings. Some people experience what is sometimes called “ego dissolution”, whereby your sense of self may feel more connected to other aspects of the universe.

Q: Is there food available for me during the day?

A: During the day we will have some food available for you as part of your experience. You are also welcome to bring food with you, which can be kept refrigerated, if you wish.

Q: Can I have a close friend or family member with me while I journey?

A: Those preferring to journey with others should consider one of our group options (or creating your own group). OHA regulations do not permit someone to accompany you (other than your facilitator) unless you require certain types of physical assistance or interpretation services. The needed assistance, under certain circumstances, may be able to be performed by a friend or family member.

Q: How do I create a group?

A: Very simple. Just tell us. We will work with you to do the rest.

Q: Can I bring video files or music I want to interact with during my session?

A: Absolutely.

Q: Can I bring my pet with me?

A: Unfortunately, OHA regulations do not permit pets. If they ever change the rules, our answer will be, absolutely.